Behavioral Health Treatment in Omaha & Lincoln, NE
When to Consider Behavioral Health Treatment
Following an injury/traumatic event
Adjusting to life changes
Managing stress/pressure
Anxiety/Panic & Depression
Perfectionism/High-Achievement Pressure/Type-A

Behavioral Health Services Offered
Performance Psychology
Whether it be at work, in school, or in sports, working hard at something can often cause high stress, or performance anxiety. This can look like intense nerves or fear when it comes to giving a presentation to your peers, even though you know the information like the back of your hand. You may feel overwhelmed with anxiety during athletic competition, even after years of training, practicing, and competing. Maybe you feel a rush of adrenaline when your supervisor is observing your performance at work. These feelings can sometimes make it feel impossible to succeed, but we are here to help you understand and manage all the pressure and stress that can arise when you’re working toward your goals! Learn evidence-based coping skills and grounding techniques used to relieve and reduce symptoms of performance anxiety.
Support and guidance in the face of a life-changing event or trauma
Life-changing events—such as loss of employment, severe or chronic illness, severe injury, natural disaster, etc.—can sometimes feel catastrophic. While change can be a great thing that helps you learn and grow, it can also make you feel lost, confused, and uncertain. After a life-changing or traumatic event, you may experience changes in your sleep or appetite, feelings of panic and anxiety in situations related to the event, or avoidance of situations related to the event. You may even experience flashbacks to the event or become panicked when recalling certain details. Whether you’re trying to feel like yourself again, or just looking for a little extra support in the wake of a traumatic event, we are here for you.
Sport-related and/or work-related Injury Recovery
In many career fields and just about every sport, the risk of possible injury is considered “part of the deal”. While we often knowingly agree to this risk, sustaining a significant injury tends to be a big surprise. This is especially true in the case of a season-ending or career-ending sport-related injury, or an injury that impacts your ability to earn sufficient income. These injuries can cause feelings of isolation from your team or colleagues, or make you feel like you’re stuck on the outside looking in. You might feel afraid to get back to work or competition, or maybe you feel like you’re “playing it safe” to avoid getting hurt again. It can even feel like you’ve lost a part of your identity when you are unable to participate in your passion. We are happy to support and guide you through all the ups and downs of injury recovery!
Behavioral Health Treatment Results
At CCI, our goal is to empower you to learn and implement behavioral changes in your everyday life that will help you to acknowledge and experience big emotions, without allowing those emotions to completely overwhelm you. We understand how tedious and frustrating the injury recovery process can be at times, and we strive to offer quality short-term treatment and support along the way.
All visits will be held virtually. Patients can expect a one hour (60 minute) initial visit, in which relevant information to mental health concerns will be gathered and assessed. Following the initial session, each visit will be a half hour (30 minutes), perfect for a lunch break from work or a study hall in school! Patients will be assigned “homework” in between sessions to encourage real-world practice of the skills learned in session.

About Behavioral Health Treatment:
Brief, solution-focused treatment
- Typically 5 to 12 sessions
- Learn the skills to help yourself in real-life situations
Training based
- Learn how to cope with emotional distress and minimize impairment to cognitive & executive functioning
- Practice implementing new skills in real-life situations, both in session and on your own